måndag 14 mars 2016


I think I'm gonna start dumping some random stuff from my manyfestival document here which I won't be doing anything with but would prefer to be written somewhere instead of just being deleted. Tidbits, one could call them. If I continue with this, just to make it fun for me, the post names will designate how many pages the document I take these tidbits from has. I find it very much enjoyable to make it shorter and shorter, more succinct, more relevant to my thoughts today, my concerns today, etc. At some point I guess the document won't becoming shorter but perhaps longer, or be spliced off into several smaller documents. But right now I'm just trying to get through it all, and I'm about 500 pages in... Jesus fucking christ what a mess I've made. :P

I consider these posts as some form of sand mandala, but without me actually going through with the last part of the ritual which consists of erasing the mandala. :P Eh, it's basically the same, ending up on the garbage heap of some server who no-one will access. :P In my best moments it's less of a mandala and more in the vein of Nietzsches The Gay Science. I just lose my patience with all these unstructured thoughts and sometimes just want to throw shit out because I don't know what to do with it all. I'm trying to write a bible here man, and it's gotta be a maximum of a couple of hundred pages long. I think.

We think that dystopian imaginings primarily frighten us because they show us that many roads to hell are paved with good intentions. But the greater horror of dystopian nightmares is that part of us actually wish those dreams would come true.


The genius makes the machines. The genius is of the machines. The genius is the definitive blend of man and machine. But the genius is also the degenerate who needs the machine to be complete. The genius has genius ideas. The genius is of the world of ideas. We look up to the genius, with their savant powers. But we also look down upon the genius, thinking them sad, partial humans without capacity for truly living in the world of humans.


Evaluation has become a scientific discipline in the form of a trans discipline, which means that it's analytic rather than empirical – mainly a tool to give other scientific disciplines tools to work with. It has this in common with for example mathematics.

Consistency within a system has no claim to consistency claims of things outside of that system.


Political campaigns are made by people. Political campaigns are by their very nature campaigns, meaning fashionable, meaning (con)temporary, meaning short-sighted. But lives of people are by their very nature long, and the lives of systems potentially even longer. This discrepancy is important to address politically.


Internal validity is not knowledge.

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